
Welcome to EFL  Electric Fence Light Company  Office: 888-251-3934  Phone Support: 615-476-6128
Thank you for visiting our site. We offer innovative products that will give you peace of mind knowing at a glance that your Electric Fence is doing its job and working great.  We know first hand the importance of your farm animals being protected and that your electric fence is operating properly. Backed by more than 35 years of experience, EFL is dedicated to providing you with some peace of mind. We pride ourselves on delivering quality products and unparalleled customer service, we work tirelessly to design and create our own products that will not only help to protect your investment in livestock, but also those that will stand up to the test of time and weather conditions. Contact us to discover why we should be your first-choice in Reliable & Affordable fence monitoring solutions. Also check out our four different T-Post Brackets that allow you to mount just about anything to a t-post with ease. You can even build a board fence with t-post using our t-post brackets, a endless list of possibilities. I am an engineer and I live on a farm and the products that I created to help me are now being offered to you. Share us on Facebook and let all your friends see our great products!!! Thank you and God Bless: John C. Bishop

The Amazingly Versatile T-Post Bracket
The uses for our T-Post Brackets are pretty much endless. Our buyers and us keep coming up with new ways to use them. Originally designed as a means to attach our fence light, it has been put to use in creative ways. As the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of invention". Here is a small sampling of the ways our T-Post Brackets have been put to use.
Bird House Mounting
Mail Box Mounting
Temporary Gate


These are videos of our light working under varying light conditions:

Early Evening
T-Post Bracket 90 Application & Removal
T-Post Bracket 90
T-Post Brackets
T-Post Bracket